School Song

School Song
In days of yore from western shores
Oldham dauntless hero came
and planted a beacon of Truth and Light
in this island of the Main.
Here may it stand from year to year
emblem of grand endeavour
The regions round echo the sound
of A.C.S. forever.
Sing A.C.S. forever more,
our A.C.S. forever.
God save our land and heaven bless
our A.C.S. forever.
Our students hail from China's plains
and the Land of Rising Sun.
We have many sons from India's Strand
and the Islands of the Main.
Our hearts our hopes our aims are one.
No discord e'er will sever.
We'll stand together for the cause
of A.C.S. forever.
Sing A.C.S. forever more,
our A.C.S. forever.
God save our land and heaven bless
our A.C.S. forever.