General Information

General Information
How do I assist as a Parent Volunteer?
For parents whose sons are already enrolled in the School, the Principal annually sends out a form inviting parents to participate in various parent support groups. Parents may choose to sign-up using the form. Alternatively, parents may visit this website on the Parent Support Group and speak with the co-ordinators of the various groups to find out more about their activities.
My son has the same teacher for most of his subjects, is this good?
All primary school teachers are generalists. Although there is specialisation of teaching, this is done mostly at the upper levels. At the lower primary levels, it is helpful to have a teacher teach the class more than one subject. This provides a sense of stability for the child and teachers can provide more nurturing as they would get to know the child better.
I do not understand the various subjects in the timetable and what they stand for?
EL |
English Language |
Math |
Mathematics |
MT |
Mother Tongue |
HE |
Health Education |
SS |
Social Studies |
PE |
Physical Education |
Civics & Moral Education |
Class Interaction Time |
Form Teacher Guidance Period |
Programme for Active Learning |
I want to communicate with members of the staff. How do I do this?
You could use any of the following means
Tel: +65 6733 7911
Fax: +65 6734 6518
Address: 16 Winstedt Road Singapore 227988
What are the office hours?
7:00 am to 5:00 pm - Monday to Friday
8:00 am to 5:00 pm - Monday to Friday (School Holidays)
My company is posting me overseas for at least a year. What should I do if I want my son to continue studying in ACS (Junior)?
If you are posted on official assignment, please obtain a letter from your organisation stating this. You can apply for your son to be on the 'Leave of Absence' scheme, which will retain his place in school. This annual application has to be renewed annually. An annual nominal LOA fee will be charged.
How is my son allocated to his class?
Boys are randomly allocated to the classes. This allows for a good mix of children.
Is there streaming or banding for Primary One?
There is no streaming or banding of Boys at Primary One. Boys will be moved to the next level at the end of the year, although some Boys may be moved to another class upon the recommendation of the teachers.
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