External CCA

External CCA
Notice on External Activity Records
With effect from this year (2025), please be informed that the school will no longer accept or record students' participation in external activities¹. Parents are encouraged to maintain a personal portfolio of their child’s non-school-based activities and achievements.
For the purpose of Direct School Admission (DSA), parents may submit their child’s non-school-based activities and achievements via the DSA portal when their child is in Primary Six, for up to 10 entries. Your child's primary school information will automatically be shared with the applied DSA-Sec school(s), except for the School of the Arts (SOTA) and the Singapore Sports School, as these schools handle direct admissions independently.
Please refer to the following link for more information on the DSA application portal: https://www.moe.gov.sg/secondary/dsa/application.
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact:
Mrs Fan-Goh Qiumei (Head of Department, PE, CCA & Aesthetics) at goh_qiumei@moe.edu.sg
Mr Alwyn Tan (Subject Head, CCA) at tan_chin_keat_alwyn@moe.edu.sg
External activities refers to self-representation or participation in personal enrichment, competition or activities (non-school-based)