Chess Club

Chess Club
Chess is a combination of strategy, style and basic skills. Just as each person is unique, a pupil develops his chess identity over time. Playing regularly with some guidance along the way helps to correctly mould a pupil's game and shape it into a style of his own in his pursuit of excellence.
The Chess Club is open to all chess enthusiasts from Pri.3 to Pri.6. Members learn to write chess notations, chess tactics and strategies and get a chance to challenge their peers. Mini-tournaments are held within the club to rank and select the players. Selected players will then represent the school in individual and team championships at the inter-school level.
Programme / |
In a typical CCA session, the Chess coach will provide a 45 min lesson
on :
Teachers |
1. Mr Royston Siah Kim Tian (OIC) |
2. Miss Regina Tan |
Day / Time
Venue |
P5.4 Classroom – Beginner / Novice Players P5.5 Classroom – Intermediate / Advanced Players |
Members |
P3 to P6 |
Quota |
50-60 |
Attire / Training Kit (once accepted as a member) |
School uniform or white corporate shirt. |
• Returning members are not required to register online.